Gnee Steel News

Classification and characteristics of galvanized steel plate

Release Tme: 2023-12-08
Classification and characteristics of galvanized steel plate

Galvanized steel plate is divided into ordinary electrolytic plate and anti-fingerprint electrolytic plate. Anti-fingerprint plate is on the basis of ordinary electrolytic plate anti-fingerprint processing, can resist sweat. Generally used on parts that have not been treated in any way. Brand name is SECC-N. Ordinary electrolytic plate is divided into phosphating plate and passivation plate. Phosphating is more commonly used. The brand is SECC-P, commonly known as p material. Passivation plates are available in oiled and unoiled types.

Hot-dip galvanized steel (SGCC) has one advantage over electrogalvanized steel (SECC). The bending and section of SECC are prone to rust, while SGCC has better anti-rust ability under the same conditions. High-quality cases are usually made of SECC or SGCC galvanized steel. The chassis steel plate made of this material is brightly colored and has a metallic luster. The advantage of this steel plate is that it has good corrosion resistance.
Electrogalvanized steel plate (SECC) : uniform color gray, mainly imported, anti-fingerprint, has excellent corrosion resistance, and maintains the processability of cold rolled sheet. Uses: household appliances, computer case shell, and some door panels, panels.

Hot dip galvanized steel (SGCC) : dip coated, bright white, small glitter (hard to see), large glitter can clearly see hexagonal glitter.

Main features:
Corrosion resistance, coating, formability and spot weldability.

It has a wide range of uses, mainly for small household appliance parts that require good appearance, but the price is more expensive than SECC, so many manufacturers switch to SECC to save costs.

According to zinc: the size of the zinc flower and the thickness of the zinc layer can indicate the quality of galvanized, the smaller and thicker the better. Manufacturers can also add anti-fingerprint treatments. In addition, it can also be distinguished by its coating, such as Z12, indicating that the total coating on both sides is 120g/mm.

For example:
Aluminized zinc steel plate (SGLD) : It is a multiphase alloy material containing rich aluminum and zinc. Due to the characteristics of aluminum and zinc, its performance is better than that of hot-dip galvanized steel (SGCC).
Main features: corrosion resistance, much higher than SGCC; Heat resistance; Heat conduction and heat reflection; Formability; Weldability.

Uses: For some places that need good reflectivity, such as the reflector in the oven, the reflector of the rice cooker. Hot galvanized steel (SGCC) is used for general purposes, galvanized steel (SGLD) is used for deep drawing, and SGCE is used for super deep drawing.
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