Gnee Steel News

Galvanized aluminum-magnesium color steel plate

Release Tme: 2023-12-12
Galvanized aluminum-magnesium color steel plate

Title: Weight of galvanized aluminum-magnesium color steel plate

Double-sided galvanized thickness 20μ weight 150g/m2 plus steel plate self-weight (0.5mm thick) is: 0.15+85x0.50.15+925075kg/m2
galvanized aluminum-magnesium color steel plate
Light weight: 1014kg/square meter, equivalent to 1/30 of a brick wall.
Thermal insulation: core material thermal conductivity: λ<0.041w/mk.
High strength: it can be used as a load-bearing plate for the ceiling enclosure structure, resisting bending and compression; general houses do not use beams and columns.
Bright color: No surface decoration is required, and the anti-corrosion layer of the colored galvanized steel plate has a retention period of 1015 years. install
Flexible and fast installation: construction period
color steel plate
Title: Galvanized aluminum color steel plate price
Colored steel plates can be calculated as iron plates. The price of hot-dip galvanized plates is the cost price if freight is added. Silicon 10. Galvanized sheet, good; high temperature oxidation resistance: galvanized sheet has excellent performance. What is the difference between the two and different areas? Some people call it aluminized sheet or hot-dip aluminized sheet.
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