Gnee Steel News

PPGI PPGL prepainted galvanzied galvalume steel coil

Release Tme: 2023-11-13

PPGI PPGL prepainted galvanzied galvalume steel coil

The main influencing factors on the price of color-coated steel plates are raw materials (substrate) and zinc layer thickness, coating thickness, coating grade, steel coil thickness and packaging method.

1. Steel coil base plate thickness

The thinner the color-coated steel coil, the higher the price. For example, the price of 0.13-0.16mm is relatively high, the price of 0.3-0.45mm changes slightly, and the price of 0.45-0.7 is basically the same. Because the thinner the color-coated steel coil, the more meters per ton of steel coil and the larger the area. It will use more paint and take longer to process.
2. Zinc layer thickness

The price depends on the different thicknesses of the zinc layer. For example, the prices of 20 grams of zinc layer and 50 grams of zinc layer are very different. If the customer has no requirements for the zinc layer, it is recommended to choose a steel coil with a zinc layer of about 30 grams. The price of color coating is also affected by the aluminum content. The price of color coating with 25% and 55% aluminum content is quite different. If the customer's environment is average, you can choose color-coated steel coils with an aluminum content of about 25%. If used in humid, outdoor and tropical climates all year round, it is recommended to choose a color coating with a higher aluminum and zinc content.

3. Paint thickness

PPGI coils are available in two types: single-sided color coating and double-sided color coating.

Under normal circumstances, the thickness of the topcoat of a single-sided color coating is 11-30um, and the thickness of the backcoat is 5-10um. The thickness of the double-paint topcoat is 11-30um, and the thickness of the backcoat is also 11-30um. The price of single-sided color coating is lower than the price of double-layer color coating. Customers need to choose the appropriate color coating according to the use and environment.

4. Paint types and brands

The type and brand of coatings also have an impact on the price of color-coated steel coils: coatings are mainly divided into: PE polyester color plates, PVDF fluorocarbon color plates, HDP high weather-resistant color plates and SMP silicon-calcium color-coated steel plates. PE coatings are used the most and have a relatively large price advantage. PVDF coatings, HDP coatings and SMP coatings have longer service life than PE coatings, but are more expensive. Better paint brands include Nippon Paint, Aksu, etc. Customers also need to choose a paint brand based on the place and environment where the color coating will be used.

5. Packaging

The packaging of PPGL PPGI coils includes simple packaging, standard export packaging and special packaging.

Simple packaging, suitable for short-distance transportation, the outer layer is protected by waterproof kraft paper, the protective performance is simple and the price is low.

The outer surface of standard export packaging is waterproof kraft paper and galvanized iron packaging. The outside of the steel coil is also protected with galvanized iron sheets. Used in long-distance transportation and containers, reinforced with steel wires. It can better protect the surface of PPGI coils. Better waterproof effect. This type of packaging is the most widely used.

Special packaging includes vertical packaging or customer-required packaging. This packaging method can calculate the price based on the packaging cost. Vertical packaging is a roll with the core upward and the bottom fixed on a wooden pallet. This packaging method protects the steel coils from external forces to the greatest extent, but the packaging and labor costs are high.
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