Gnee Steel News

SPCC Cold Plate

Release Tme: 2023-11-01
SPCC cold plate
Cold plate made according to Japanese standards
The spcc cold plate is a cold plate made in accordance with Japanese standards (JIS). SPCC was originally the name of "general cold-rolled carbon steel sheets and strips" of the Japanese Standard (JIS). Now many countries or companies directly use it to represent similar steel products they produce.

Introduction to SPCC

Note: Similar grades include SPCD (cold-rolled carbon steel sheets and strips for stamping), SPCE (cold-rolled carbon steel sheets and strips for deep drawing), SPCCK\SPCCCE, etc. (steel for televisions), SPCC4D\SPCC8D, etc. ( Hard steel, used for bicycle rims, etc.), used in different occasions.
S (Steel) means steel;
P (Plate) means plate;
C (Cold) means cold rolling;
C——Common grade, D——Draw grade, E——Deep drawing grade (Elongation)

SPCC composition
Common structural steel in Japanese steel (JIS series) grades mainly consists of three parts.
The first part represents the material, such as: S (Steel) represents steel, F (Ferrum) represents iron;
The second part represents different shapes, types, and uses, such as P (Plate) for plate, T (Tube) for tube, and K (Kogu) for tool;
The third part represents the characteristic number, generally the minimum tensile strength. For example: SS400 - the first S represents steel, the second S represents "structure", 400 is the lower limit tensile strength of 400MPa, and the overall represents ordinary structural steel with a tensile strength of 400MPa.
Note: SPCC--represents generally used cold-rolled carbon steel sheets and strips, equivalent to China's Q195-215A grade. The third letter C is the abbreviation of Cold. When it is necessary to ensure the tensile test, add T at the end of the grade to indicate SPCCT.


Applicable grades for Japanese cold-rolled carbon steel sheets: SPCC, SPCD, SPCE Symbols: S-steel, P-plate, C-cold, fourth digit C-common, D-Drawing grade (Draw), E-Deep drawing grade (Elongation)

Heat treatment status

A—annealed, S—annealed + smooth, 8—(1/8) hard, 4—(1/4) hard, 2—(1/2) hard, 1—hard.

Drawing performance level

ZF - used for punching and drawing the most complex parts, HF - used for punching and drawing very complex parts, F - used for punching and drawing complex parts.

Surface processing status

D - pitted surface (the roll is shot peened after being processed by a grinder), B - bright surface (the roll is finished by a grinder).

Surface Quality

FC—Advanced finishing surface, FB—Higher finishing surface. Status, surface processing status, surface quality code, drawing level (only for SPCE), product specifications and dimensions, shape accuracy (thickness and/or width, length, unevenness).

Markup example

Steel plate, standard number Q/BQB402, brand SPCC, heat treatment state annealed + smooth (S), surface center processing state is pitted D, surface quality is FB level trimmed edge (trimmed edge EC, non-trimmed edge EM) steel plate, thickness 0.5mm, B-level accuracy, width 1000mm, A-level accuracy, length 2000mm, A-level accuracy, unevenness accuracy is PF.A, then the mark is: steel plate ECQ/BQB 402-SPCC-SD-FB/ (0.5B×1000A ×2000A-PF.A)
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