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The biggest difference between galvanized sheets and electro-galvanized sheets

Release Tme: 2023-11-17
The biggest difference between galvanized sheets and electro-galvanized sheets

The difference between galvanized sheets and electro-galvanized sheets:
Galvanized sheets and electro-galvanized sheets are both iron alloy sheets that are coated with a layer of zinc on the surface of iron products to improve their corrosion resistance. From the production process point of view, galvanizing is completed by immersing iron products in molten zinc, while electroplating deposits zinc on iron products through electric current in an electrolyte. Both methods can form a zinc layer with good anti-rust properties, but they still differ in some details.
galvanised steel sheet
What are the differences in usage scenarios and production processes between galvanized sheets and electro-galvanized sheets?
1. Different usage scenarios
Due to the different production methods of the two types of galvanizing, their usage scenarios and characteristics are also different. Generally speaking, galvanized sheets are mainly used to make building materials such as steel pipes, ceilings, doors and windows, while electro-galvanized sheets are more widely used in automobiles, home appliances, machinery, electronics and other fields.
2. Different production processes
The production process of galvanized sheets is simpler, because it only requires immersing iron products in molten zinc, and the zinc will naturally adhere to the iron products, so its cost is also relatively low. Electro-galvanized sheets usually require multiple steps, including electrolytic treatment, pre-treatment, etc., and require the use of a large number of special chemical reagents and equipment, so the production cost is relatively high.
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The biggest difference between galvanized sheets and electro-galvanized sheets
The biggest difference between galvanized sheets and galvanized sheets is the difference in coating. There is a layer of zinc material evenly distributed on the surface of the galvanized sheet, which plays an anode protection role for the base material. That is, only when all zinc is corroded, the alternating corrosion of the zinc material can protect the base material. Will it harm the base material inside?

The surface coating of the aluminum-zinc plate is composed of 55% aluminum, 43.5% zinc and a small amount of other elements. From a microscopic perspective, it is a honeycomb structure, which is a "honeycomb" containing zinc and aluminum. Since zinc material is not easily electrolyzed by aluminum, its anode protection effect is greatly weakened. Once the plate is cut, if the edges are not protected, they will soon rust.

The surface of zinc aluminide sheet is more fancy than galvanized sheet, and the price of zinc aluminide sheet is also more expensive than galvanized sheet.

The surface of galvanized steel has a smooth, flat, gorgeous starburst, and its silvery white background gives it excellent corrosion resistance. The normal service life of zinc-aluminum plate can reach 25a. It is heat resistant and can be used in high temperature environments up to 315°C. The adhesion between the coating and the paint film is good, and the surface conductivity is good.

The coating composition consisted of 55% aluminum, 43.4% zinc and 1.6% silicon by weight. The production process of galvanized steel is very similar to that of galvanized steel, both of which are continuous melt plating processes. Moreover, color-coated products have excellent adhesion and flexibility.

Zinc aluminide's high heat reflectivity is twice that of galvanized steel, which allows us to use it as an insulating material. AL-Zn board also has strong heat resistance and can withstand temperatures above 300 degrees Celsius. It is very similar to the high-temperature oxidation resistance of aluminized steel and is commonly used in chimney halls, ovens, lamps and fluorescent lampshades. Since the density of 55% AL-Zn is less than Zn, it can be used with the same weight and the same coating thickness.
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