Gnee Steel News

What Is The Biggest Performance Advantage Of Cold Rolled Plate

Release Tme: 2023-11-01
What Is The Biggest Performance Advantage Of Cold Rolled Plate

Cold-rolled plates are steel plates that have been processed by the cold-rolling process. Compared with hot-rolled plates, they have better surface quality, better mechanical properties, and higher dimensional accuracy. In particular, double-sided galvanized cold-rolled plates have better performance.

Cold rolling refers to rolling below the recrystallization temperature. It is usually rolled under normal temperature conditions. The reason for cold rolling is that when the thickness of the thin strip steel is small to a certain limit (for example, <1mm), it is difficult to maintain and uniform the temperature, and it is also difficult to achieve hot rolling. It is also very difficult to ensure a good shape under the hot rolling conditions, and cold rolling can solve this problem. First of all, the cold-rolled sheet does not have some problems that require cooling and uneven temperature, so it can produce thin coils with strict tolerances. In addition, the surface finish of the cold-rolled sheet is also very high, and it can be given different surfaces according to different requirements.

The biggest advantage of cold-rolled plate is that its surface quality and dimensional accuracy are very high. Through the cooperation of cold rolling deformation and heat treatment, it is not only easier to meet the requirements of users for various product specifications and comprehensive performance, but also is particularly beneficial to the production of some important products with special texture and performance.
cold rolled stainless steel
Due to the hardening in the process, the metal is deformed during the rolling process, the resistance is also increased, and the rolling pressure is also increased. At the same time, the plasticity of the metal is reduced and cracks are prone to occur. When the steel type is under certain conditions, the degree of hardening during processing is related to the degree of cold rolling deformation. When the amount of deformation increases, after the work hardening exceeds a certain level, rolling cannot be continued. Therefore, after the plate is subjected to a certain amount of total cold rolling deformation, it is often subjected to a softening heat treatment to restore its plasticity and reduce the resistance to facilitate the continued rolling. Under certain rolling conditions, the harder the quality of the steel, the thinner the finished product, and the more rolling process required. Due to work hardening, cold-rolled sheets generally require a certain amount of heat treatment before they leave the factory.

Application of cold rolled plate
Due to the above advantages, cold rolled plates are widely used in various fields. They can be used in construction, pressure vessels, automobiles, wood products, electrical appliances and many other fields. Cold-rolled plates can not only meet the needs of performance, surface quality, dimensional accuracy, etc. in different fields, but can also reduce production costs and improve production efficiency.

In the construction field, cold-rolled plates are often used as sound insulation panels, lighting panels, fireproof panels, color steel panels, etc. In the automotive field, cold-rolled plates are often used as body, frame, door, etc. In the field of electrical appliances, cold-rolled plates are used to make various electrical appliance casings, while in the field of pressure vessels, cold-rolled plates can produce pressure vessels with stable quality and good strength.

In short, the advantages of cold-rolled plates lie in excellent surface quality, good mechanical properties, and high dimensional accuracy. Their applications in various fields are becoming more and more widespread, driving the development and progress of the entire industry.
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