Gnee Steel News

Zn-Al-Mg Photovoltaic Bracket

Release Tme: 2024-01-25
Advantages of Zn-Al-Mg Photovoltaic Bracket
Galvanized aluminum-magnesium photovoltaic brackets are alloy metals that are mainly used for surface anti-corrosion treatment of steel and steel products, including various zinc series coatings and overall corrosion protection of large amounts of steel. The metal originally used for surface anti-corrosion treatment of steel products was pure zinc. With the development of technology, alloy metals such as aluminum-zinc alloy and zinc-aluminum-magnesium alloy appeared one after another, and the anti-corrosion effect of the metal layer increased. It is reported that it was initially developed and mass-produced by Japan's Nisshin Steel in the early 21st century, aiming to replace specific stainless steel application scenarios. Domestic steel plants now produce it in Zhujiang, Tangshan Iron and Steel, and Baosteel. In the later stages of industrial upgrading, it will gradually become a widely used material.
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An alloy is a substance with metallic properties that is a mixture of two or more chemical substances (at least one of which is a metal). It is generally obtained by fusing each component into a uniform liquid and then condensing it.
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An alloy is at least one of the following three types: a single phase solid solution of elements, a mixture of many metallic phases, or an intermetallic compound of metals. The microstructure of solid solution alloys has a single phase, while some alloys that are solutions have two or more phases. Their distribution may be homogeneous or not, depending on the temperature change during the cooling process of the material. Intermetallic compounds generally have one alloy or pure metal enclosed within another pure metal.
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