Gnee Steel News

Classification Of Silicon Steel

Release Tme: 2024-02-20

According to the crystal structure, silicon steel can be divided into two major categories:

Non-oriented silicon steel: The crystal structure of non-oriented silicon steel is random and has no obvious orientation. This silicon steel is mainly used to make the cores of motors and transformers because it has good uniformity and stability in magnetic fields.
Grain-oriented silicon steel: The crystal structure of grain-oriented silicon steel has obvious orientation, that is, the grains of silicon steel are mainly arranged in one direction. This kind of silicon steel has higher magnetic induction intensity and lower iron loss in the magnetic field, so it is often used to manufacture high-efficiency transformers.
The manufacturing process is also an important factor in the classification of silicon steel. According to different manufacturing processes, silicon steel can be divided into hot-rolled silicon steel and cold-rolled silicon steel. Hot-rolled silicon steel is produced by a hot-rolling process at high temperatures, while cold-rolled silicon steel is produced by a cold-rolling process at room temperature. Cold-rolled silicon steel has higher precision and better electromagnetic properties, so it is often used to manufacture high-end electrical equipment.

In general, the classification of silicon steel is diverse, and different classification methods reflect the different characteristics and uses of silicon steel. With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the rapid development of the power and electrical industry, the classification and application of silicon steel will continue to be expanded and optimized.

Grain Non oriented electrical steel

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