Gnee Steel News


Release Tme: 2024-01-19
SECC galvanized steel sheet and SPCC cold rolled steel sheet are two different materials. Among them, SECC refers to electrolytically galvanized cold-rolled steel sheets, while SPCC is a universal cold-rolled steel sheet standard.
Their main differences are:
Physical properties: SECC has a zinc coating and has better corrosion resistance; SPCC has no anti-corrosion layer. Therefore, SECC is more durable than SPCC and prevents rust and corrosion.

Surface treatment: SECC has undergone electrolytic galvanizing and other treatment processes, and has a certain degree of decoration and aesthetics; while SPCC uses a cold rolling process without surface treatment.
Different uses: SECC is usually used to manufacture parts or casings in the fields of electrical appliances, automobiles, and home appliances, while SPCC is widely used in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and packaging.

In short, although both are cold-rolled steel plates in terms of process components, there are significant differences in their anti-corrosion properties, surface treatments and uses. The choice of SECC or SPCC steel plate should be determined based on the specific situation, taking into account various factors such as the use of the product being manufactured, the environment and actual needs, and selecting the most appropriate material.
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